New comment from Kari-Admin
Thanks so much!!
Original Post by Gary Liming
My line
This is a list of my line going back to John II, if not John Lyming.
Gary Liming b.1952, son of:
William Earl Liming (Earl) b. 1901, son of:
Isaac March Liming, b. 1862 son of:
Samuel Nelson Liming, b. 1831 son of
James Liming, b. 1798 son of
Samuel Liming, b. 1753 son of
Henry Liming, b. 1721 son of
John Liming, b. 1683 son of
John Lyming, b. ?
BTW, I was able to pass muster with this to join the Sons of the American Revolution, so if any of you can hook into this, I suppose you could too, if you so desired. (Samuel was stationed at Ft. Pitt during the time of the Revolution, and after reading about it, Valley Forge had nothing on those guys.)
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My Sar ID# is 145364. Only documentation going back to the patriot of the Revolution is submitted. I will look into the njfounders process. Also, I updated my profile to include the heritage listed above.